Answers to the Exercises for The Good Wife Part One

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A. How much did you understand?


The correct order of the sentences is 3, 4, 1, 2

"You will be king after I have died."

"But you will only be wise if you are happy."

"And you will only be happy if you marry a good and clever woman."

"So I want you to travel around my kingdom."


The correct order of the sentences is 7, 5, 8, 6

She took out some bread and gave it to Delibis.

"Have you seen my camel?" he said.

"You haven't seen this camel, but you have described it perfectly."

"I've found the girl I'm looking for at last," the prince said to himself.


The correct order of the sentences is 10, 12, 9, 11

"Let's walk together," Delibis said to the old man.

"They belong to my cousin," said Nakrusa.

"Free?" said Nakrusa. "What do you mean, free?"

"And will his name be buried with him?" asked Delibis.


B. Choose the right answers from A, B, C, and D


When Delibis met Hariri, she was:

c) looking after her father's sheep

Hariri knew that a half-blind camel had passed that way because:

b) it had eaten leaves from one side of a bush

What did Hariri's father and Delibis see on the road?

b) a herd of cattle with ten cows and a bull 


C. What do you think?


Which is the best title for this part?

We think that Looking for a Good Wife is the best title for this story. Do you agree?